44,265 research outputs found

    Rational Designed Hybrid Peptides Show up to a 6-Fold Increase in Antimicrobial Activity and Demonstrate Different Ultrastructural Changes as the Parental Peptides Measured by BioSAXS

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a promising class of compounds being developed against multi-drug resistant bacteria. Hybridization has been reported to increase antimicrobial activity. Here, two proline-rich peptides (consP1: VRKPPYLPRPRPRPL-CONH2 and Bac5-v291: RWRRPIRRRPIRPPFWR-CONH2) were combined with two arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides (optP1: KIILRIRWR-CONH2 and optP7: KRRVRWIIW-CONH2). Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) are known to inhibit the bacterial ribosome, shown also for Bac5-v291, whereas it is hypothesized a "dirty drug" model for the arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides. That hypothesis was underpinned by transmission electron microscopy and biological small-angle X-ray scattering (BioSAXS). The strength of BioSAXS is the power to detect ultrastructural changes in millions of cells in a short time (seconds) in a high-throughput manner. This information can be used to classify antimicrobial compounds into groups according to the ultrastructural changes they inflict on bacteria and how the bacteria react towards that assault. Based on previous studies, this correlates very well with different modes of action. Due to the novelty of this approach direct identification of the target of the antimicrobial compound is not yet fully established, more research is needed. More research is needed to address this limitation. The hybrid peptides showed a stronger antimicrobial activity compared to the proline-rich peptides, except when compared to Bac5-v291 against E. coli. The increase in activity compared to the arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides was up to 6-fold, however, it was not a general increase but was dependent on the combination of peptides and bacteria. BioSAXS experiments revealed that proline-rich peptides and arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides induce very different ultrastructural changes in E. coli, whereas a hybrid peptide (hyP7B5GK) shows changes, different to both parental peptides and the untreated control. These different ultrastructural changes indicated that the mode of action of the parental peptides might be different from each other as well as from the hybrid peptide hyP7B5GK. All peptides showed very low haemolytic activity, some of them showed a 100-fold or larger therapeutic window, demonstrating the potential for further drug development

    Tryptophan- and arginine-rich antimicrobial peptides: Structures and mechanisms of action

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    AbstractAntimicrobial peptides encompass a number of different classes, including those that are rich in a particular amino acid. An important subset are peptides rich in Arg and Trp residues, such as indolicidin and tritrpticin, that have broad and potent antimicrobial activity. The importance of these two amino acids for antimicrobial activity was highlighted through the screening of a complete combinatorial library of hexapeptides. These residues possess some crucial chemical properties that make them suitable components of antimicrobial peptides. Trp has a distinct preference for the interfacial region of lipid bilayers, while Arg residues endow the peptides with cationic charges and hydrogen bonding properties necessary for interaction with the abundant anionic components of bacterial membranes. In combination, these two residues are capable of participating in cation–π interactions, thereby facilitating enhanced peptide–membrane interactions. Trp sidechains are also implicated in peptide and protein folding in aqueous solution, where they contribute by maintaining native and nonnative hydrophobic contacts. This has been observed for the antimicrobial peptide from human lactoferrin, possibly restraining the peptide structure in a suitable conformation to interact with the bacterial membrane. These unique properties make the Arg- and Trp-rich antimicrobial peptides highly active even at very short peptide lengths. Moreover, they lead to structures for membrane-mimetic bound peptides that go far beyond regular α-helices and β-sheet structures. In this review, the structures of a number of different Trp- and Arg-rich antimicrobial peptides are examined and some of the major mechanistic studies are presented

    Characterisation of antibacterial peptides from the venom of Cupiennius salei (Araneae: Ctenidae). Diplomarbeit am Zoologischen Institut der Universität Bern, 19 S.

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    The characterisation of the antimicrobial activity of six antibacterial peptides, isolated from the venom of the neotropical wandering spider Cupiennius salei is reported. The peptides have a molecular weight, determined by electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry, between 3 to 4 kDa, and they consist of approximately 26 to 35 amino acids. All six peptides lack cysteines but they are rich in lysine. Peptide 1 is very closely related to CSTX-4, a known bactericidal and insecticidal toxin from the venom of Cupiennius salei

    Serum Stabilities of Short Tryptophan- and Arginine-Rich Antimicrobial Peptide Analogs

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    Several short antimicrobial peptides that are rich in tryptophan and arginine residues were designed with a series of simple modifications such as end capping and cyclization. The two sets of hexapeptides are based on the Trp- and Arg-rich primary sequences from the "antimicrobial centre" of bovine lactoferricin as well as an antimicrobial sequence obtained through the screening of a hexapeptide combinatorial library.HPLC, mass spectrometry and antimicrobial assays were carried out to explore the consequences of the modifications on the serum stability and microbicidal activity of the peptides. The results show that C-terminal amidation increases the antimicrobial activity but that it makes little difference to its proteolytic degradation in human serum. On the other hand, N-terminal acetylation decreases the peptide activities but significantly increases their protease resistance. Peptide cyclization of the hexameric peptides was found to be highly effective for both serum stability and antimicrobial activity. However the two cyclization strategies employed have different effects, with disulfide cyclization resulting in more active peptides while backbone cyclization results in more proteolytically stable peptides. However, the benefit of backbone cyclization did not extend to longer 11-mer peptides derived from the same region of lactoferricin. Mass spectrometry data support the serum stability assay results and allowed us to determine preferred proteolysis sites in the peptides. Furthermore, isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showed that the peptides all had weak interactions with albumin, the most abundant protein in human serum.Taken together, the results provide insight into the behavior of the peptides in human serum and will therefore aid in advancing antimicrobial peptide design towards systemic applications

    Defensin-Like Peptides and Their Antimicrobial Activity in Free-Form and Immobilized on Material Surfaces

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    Defensins are naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides secreted in the human body. Mammalian defensins are small, cysteine-rich, cationic peptides, generally consisting of 18–45 amino acids. The antimicrobial activity of defensins arises from their unique amino acid sequence, showing activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, fungi and enveloped viruses. The use of antimicrobial peptides is rising due to their potential to control biofilm formation and kill microorganisms that are highly tolerant to antibiotics. In free-form, defensins are capable of destroying such microorganisms through numerous mechanisms mainly the carpet, the toroidal and the Barrel-Stave models. However, immobilization of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) on surfaces with the help of coupling agents and spacers can improve the AMPs’ lifespan and stability in the physiological environment leading to applications for medical devices and implants. Fundamental understanding of both free-form and surface-immobilized defensins is important to design more effective antimicrobial peptides and improve their performance in future developments

    Expanding the Landscape of Amino Acid-Rich Antimicrobial Peptides: Definition, Deployment in Nature, Implications for Peptide Design and Therapeutic Potential

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    Unlike the α-helical and β-sheet antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), our knowledge on amino acid-rich AMPs is limited. This article conducts a systematic study of rich AMPs (\u3e25%) from different life kingdoms based on the Antimicrobial Peptide Database (APD) using the program R. Of 3425 peptides, 724 rich AMPs were identified. Rich AMPs are more common in animals and bacteria than in plants. In different animal classes, a unique set of rich AMPs is deployed. While histidine, proline, and arginine-rich AMPs are abundant in mammals, alanine, glycine, and leucine-rich AMPs are common in amphibians. Ten amino acids (Ala, Cys, Gly, His, Ile, Lys, Leu, Pro, Arg, and Val) are frequently observed in rich AMPs, seven (Asp, Glu, Phe, Ser, Thr, Trp, and Tyr) are occasionally observed, and three (Met, Asn, and Gln) were not yet found. Leucine is much more frequent in forming rich AMPs than either valine or isoleucine. To date, no natural AMPs are simultaneously rich in leucine and lysine, while proline, tryptophan, and cysteine-rich peptides can simultaneously be rich in arginine. These findings can be utilized to guide peptide design. Since multiple candidates are potent against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, rich AMPs stand out as promising future antibiotics
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